UC ANR South Coast REC Engagement Center Project



UC ANR South Coast REC Engagement Center Project Project Description

The University of California (University), Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) South Coast Research and Extension Center (South Coast REC) is proposing to construct a new Engagement Center at the southeast corner of the South Coast REC, which is a 193-acre facility located at 7601 Irvine Boulevard, within the eastern portion of the City of Irvine (City), Orange County, California. The Engagement Center would support existing programming at the South Coast REC. Overall, the Engagement Center would include approximately 13,750 square feet of building space, including a conference center, demonstration kitchen, classrooms, audio/video (AV) technical center, and ancillary uses. The approximately 6,000 square-foot conference center would be designed with a flexible, open concept to allow for reprogramming to accommodate a range of activities and events, with capacity for up to 200 people. An approximately 7,750-square foot building adjacent to the conference center would include the other proposed indoor uses (e.g., classrooms, demonstration kitchen, and roof observation deck). The demonstration kitchen would be approximately 800 square feet and would provide a space for food preparation and cooking as part of on-site engagement and extension activities. Connected to the kitchen would be approximately 5,400 square feet of classroom space, as well as the AV technical center for production and storage associated with broadcasting events and classes, restrooms, break rooms, and additional storage. Connecting the conference center and kitchen/classroom building would be an approximately 22,000 square-foot, partially covered outdoor plaza. The design would be a flexible, hardscaped area to be used for overflow of larger events. Additionally, the Engagement Center would include a 1.25-acre outdoor space adjacent to the conference center as part of the University’s Master Gardener program. This space would include a range of landscapes for the purpose of food and water education. The construction of a new Engagement Center would also include a new access point at Modjeska and Still Night and internal roadway improvements to facilitate ingress/egress to the proposed development and through the South Coast REC. 


Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration & Public Comment Opportunity



 Individual IS/MND Documents:

  • Notice of Intent to Adopt IS/MND (PDF)
  • IS/MND (PDF)
  • Appendix A - AQ/GHG Energy Data (PDF)
  • Appendix B - Biological Resources Due Diligence Analysis (PDF)
  • Appendix C - Cultural Resources Assessment (PDF)
  • Appendix D - Noise Data (PDF)
  • Appendix E - Trip Generation (PDF)
  • Final IS/MND - Response to Comments, Errata, MMRP (PDF)
  • Memorandum #1 - Site Plan Revision (PDF)

UC Davis released the Initial Study and Mitigation Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the UC ANR South Coast REC Engagement Center Project as stated in the Notice of Intent (NOI) for a 30-day review period on June 7, 2024. The comment period ended on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Response to comments received can be found in the Final IS/MND. 

The IS/MND is also available for review at the following locations:

  • UC ANR Headquarters: 2801 2nd St, Davis, CA 95618
  • UC ANR South Coast REC: 7601 Irvine Blvd, Irvine, CA 92618
  • Irvine Heritage Park Library: 14361 Yale Avenue, Irvine, CA 92604

CEQA EIR Process Timeline

  • Distribute Notice of Intent – June 7, 2024
  • Public Review of IS/MND – June 7 to July 8, 2024
  • University Review & Decision – Tentative UC ANR Approval in September 2024