UC Davis Health is striving to be a good neighbor while our construction continues. To help reduce indoor air particulate matter, UC Davis Health is providing a portable High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) purifier with replacement filters at no cost to qualifying neighbors in the designated zone. A HEPA filter is one the highest filter grades for residential use.
UC Davis Health is collaborating with Breathe California Sacramento Region, a local non-profit, to implement the Program. Breathe California will be managing the Neighbor Clean Air Program, and eligible residents will be contacted about participation in the program.
Due to California’s seismic regulations, the existing North South Tower of UC Davis Medical Center must be vacated, and the new California Tower will be added to the eastern side of the Medical Center as its replacement. When completed in 2030, the California Tower will include a 14-story hospital facility and 5-story pavilion adjacent to the existing medical center – part of the hospital complex which has served the community at this location for 150 years. More information on the California Tower can be found on the project’s website: https://www.ucdhcatower.org/.
As part of the California Tower Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and general campus construction, UC Davis is required to mitigate impacts to the area. Access to the California Tower EIR text and impact analysis can be found here: https://environmentalplanning.ucdavis.edu/california-tower-project-final-eir.
Elmhurst residences identified by the EIR construction air quality analysis are eligible for this program. Qualifying residences will be contacted by Breathe California with additional outreach anticipated throughout the program implementation. Please see the map below which identifies qualifying parcels and click the “Is Your Home Eligible” link to check if your address qualifies for the Program.

For any additional questions, please contact the UC Davis Office of Environmental Planning at: airfilters@ucdavis.edu