Solano Park Demolition
Protecting Environmental Resources

Originally built in 1962, Solano Park provided housing for UC Davis students for more than six decades. In September 2023, its residents transitioned to new accommodations, including Orchard Park. Now vacant, the 35 buildings are set for demolition. Throughout this process, UC Davis remains dedicated to safeguarding the site and its surrounding environment, ensuring that all demolition activities prioritize safety, cultural resources protection.
- Building Abatement: Begins September 2024
- Demolition: Begins October 14, 2024
- Estimated completion: March 2025
Environmental Resource Protection
Tribal Consultation
UC Davis is collaborating with the Yocha Dehe Cultural Resources Department to ensure the avoidance and protection of buried cultural resources.
In partnership with Yocha Dehe, the Environmental Planning team prepares and provides a framework for evaluating the significance of archaeological discoveries which may occur during the project per applicable laws and regulations and tribal values. Methods for the proper handling and reporting of discoveries are based on tribal feedback, state law, and local regulations. Regular meetings are held to coordinate efforts that minimize impact on sensitive areas. Any cultural findings are handled in accordance with project environmental requirements and state law. In addition, all contractors working on campus development projects are required to attend a Cultural Resources Awareness Training.
UC Davis follows the formal process outlined in California Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52), which mandates consultation with Native American tribes on projects that require consultation during the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of a project. For the Solano Park Demolition, consultation began in June 2022 with the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation. The input provided by the tribe during this process has been incorporated into mitigation strategies to protect cultural resources.
Environmental Stewardship and Mitigation Measures
- Safeguarding Cultural Resources: Continuous coordination with cultural resource experts in partnership with Yocha Dehe Cultural Resources team will ensure avoidance of cultural resources and ensure any significant finds are protected.
- Tree Conservation: Mature trees on the site will be cared for and preserved.
- Waste Management: Demolition debris will be disposed of responsibly, with recycling measures in place.
- Minimize Biological Impact: All environmental mitigation requirements will be met including protection of nesting birds and other wildlife.
For questions or more information, please contact the UC Davis Campus Planning and Environmental Stewardship.
Heather Davis
Director of UC Davis Campus Planning and Environmental Stewardship