2020 LRDP Update Final Supplemental EIR

Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

UC Davis prepared a Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and other applicable laws for the UC Davis Sacramento Campus 2020 Long Range Development Plan Update.

The Final Supplemental EIR consists of three volumes: Volume 1, Programmatic Evaluation of 2020 LRDP Update, Volume 2, Aggie Square Phase I Project EIR and Volume 3 consists of responses to comments, revisions to the Draft EIR, and the mitigation monitoring and reporting program for the 2020 LRDP Update and Agge Square Phase 1 project.

The State Clearinghouse Number assigned for the project is 2020020161.
The Board of Regents certified the Sacramento Campus 2020 LRDP Final Supplemental EIR on November 19, 2020.

Subsequent project approvals can be found below.






Subsequent Approvals

48X Construction Trailer Relocation

This project proposes to relocate the existing temporary construction trailers at the 48X Complex Project construction site to a new location on the Sacramento Campus. The trailers are currently located adjacent to the 49th Street and V Street intersection to provide office and support space for the construction of the 48X Complex Project. The trailers are approximately 12,000 square feet in area. The trailers will be relocated to an existing temporary parking area on the Sacramento Campus, on the west side of the MIND West Building adjacent to the 50th Street and 49th Street intersection. The area is currently a gravel parking lot.

Documents Available Online:

Temporary Parking Lots Expansion Project 

This project proposed to create approximately 331 new temporary parking spaces to be designated for UC Davis employees at five locations to help alleviate the current parking shortage. Current Lot 22, north of MIND Institute Building 25, would be redone and extended to provide 160 stalls.  A new area west of MIND would provide up to 121 stalls.  The grassy area in front of FSSB Building 68 would provide 16 stalls, the southern corner of Vanderhoef quad area would provide 25 stalls, and a section of the north west corner at Institute for Regenerative Cures Building would provide 9 stalls. No new parking lot lighting is proposed.

Documents Available Online:

Fuel Tank Demolition 

The Project will remove and demolish three (3) 10,000 gallon underground fuel storage tanks (UST) located at 2800 49th Street on the UC Davis Sacramento Campus, which is the same site for the PS6 project. The fuel tanks previously stored diesel and gasoline in support of UC Davis Health’s Fleet Services operations. Fleet Services has been relocated to an off campus, leased facility. In Summer 2022, the fuel pumps associated with the fuel tanks were removed. The Project demolishes remaining fuel lines and the tanks. The excavated areas will be back-filled and made ready for construction of the PS6 project.

Documents Available Online:

Temporary Parking Lot Expansion (MIND Institute East) Project 

The Project converts existing grass area to a temporary parking area for campus staff. The temporary parking lot would install approximately 198 parking spaces. Access would be from the existing lot 25. The temporary parking would include the 40’ landscape buffer along the campus boundary to the north and east. No parking lot lighting is proposed.  The Project scope includes removal of the paved asphalt concrete area, sidewalks and ramps. Capping of utility services to be demolished. Grade, excavate, and backfill as required for installation of gravel on prepped area.

Documents Available Online:

Aggie Square Phase 1 Science and Technology East and Lifelong Learning Tenant Improvements Project

The research environment at Aggie Square Phase 1 will promote cross disciplinary research and attract industry partners who want to leverage adjacency to university research. For example, in regenerative medicine, Aggie Square provides an opportunity for startups and established industries to amplify the discovery and development of new technology, treatments, and therapies. Space in the buildings is also identified for core facilities (cores) and shared services that support university and industry research. Cores range from shared use of specialized and expensive equipment up to major facilities. Some of the shared services at Aggie Square will be relocated and scaled expansions of existing functions and are being moved to Aggie Square in order to take advantage of the project’s location and collocation with private industry partners. Others have been identified that are required to be near the research labs due to time sensitivity. Space is also needed for some services not yet in existence on the Sacramento campus.

The campus is proposing to construct improvements of approximately 340,500 gross square feet (GSF) to 370,500 GSF in the Science and Technology Building East and Lifelong Learning buildings. The buildings' campus uses can be categorized into four thematic anchors:

  • Theme 1: Translational Medicine
  • Theme 2: Medical Device Development
  • Theme 3: Digital Health
  • Theme 4: Community-Facing Programs

The proposed UC Davis uses in the two buildings are comprised of a combination of new programs, reshaped programs, and collocation of existing programs. The collocation of complementary programs results in the consolidation of resources while also improving the production capabilities. Many of the office-based programs, such as Continuing and Professional Education, Public Scholarship and Engagement, and the School of Medicine community, health, and policy-based research, are currently in short-term leased facilities spread across the Sacramento region. For the laboratory-based programs, faculty are being identified from medicine and other UC Davis schools and colleges whose research interest aligns with Aggie Square's specific themes.

Environmental Review Timeline:

  • University of California Board of Regent's to consider the Project at their May 2021 Meeting: Agenda and Meeting Link

Documents Available Online:

Aggie Square Phase 1 Mixed Use Residential and Alice Waters Institute for Edible Education Project

The Project will include two buildings – a mixed use apartment building with residential units above ground floor commercial uses and an adjacent standalone commercial building located at the Aggie Square Phase 1 Project site.

Environmental Review Timeline:

  • University of California Board of Regent's to consider the Project at their May 2021 Meeting: Agenda and Meeting Link

Documents Available Online: